Older projects
Madjob →
A very simple time tracker. You can track time or add time manually. Choose date, client and add a description. It’s that simple.
Mutebot →
A collection of regexp filters for Tweetbot.
Spotipart →
Share the best part of a song. Was a web app that created direct links to a specific part of a song on Spotify.
Chockpress →
Having fun with Swedish evening news. The latest shocking headlines from Aftonbladet and Expressen.
The Cheeseburger icon
The hamnburger icon was so 2013. The cheeseburger icon is the new hotness.
Gradvis →
Was a chrome extension that enhanced music journalist Jan Gradvall’s website https://www.gradvall.se/
Fruitage →
Was a Simple Chrome Extension that enhanced Harvestapp.com.
Radar →
A simple technology radar map (made famous by Thoughtworks).
Checkbix →
Simple lightweight vanilla Javascript plugin for enhancing checkboxes.
Unsplash for Sublime Text →
Beautiful images from Unsplash to Sublime Text, your favorite code editor.
Wells & Boxes →
Wells & Boxes Created using Compass/SASS.