
I’m a Swedish web developer and designer.

During the last ~20 years i’ve been working on digital projects with a large veriety of clients, agencies and product teams. My experience covers product design, frontend development, UI/UX, and graphic design.

I Work at Curity 2019-

The Curity Identity Server brings identity and API security together for robust authentication and authorization. It helps simplify complexity for organizations that need to secure, manage and provide consistent authentication experiences for their customers, employees, and partners. Curity is headquartered in Stockholm but has team members all over the world.

I work with web development, product design and UI/UX design. Lately I’ve been working with prototyping and design tooling.

Visit our website curity.io


Sprint Works 2015-2019

Ran Sprint Works together with my friends Chrille and Anders. Sprint Works was a three-person team. Strategy, UI/UX and development for a wide range of digital projects, services and products. A team experienced working with big companies and organisations, premium brands and startups.

As part of Sprint Works I worked with customers such as:

  • Swedese
  • Chalmers Ventures
  • Jönköping University
  • Fagerhult
  • Filmbyn
  • Spoton
  • Elitfönster
  • Improove
  • Placebrander
  • Renata Chlumska
  • Izakaya Moshi


Together with Chrille and Anders I co-founded and built the Instagram startup Superprints. Read more

Kollegorna (Became Odd Camp)

Was a team of designers, developers and strategists building first-rate digital products and services. Experts in Ruby on Rails, but also like to use Ember.js, Go, Node.js, Middleman and WordPress depending on the project’s needs.

As part of Kollegorna i got the chance to work with clients such as:

  • Paradox Interactive
  • SKL - Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting.
    • Building and designing Genombrott (Swedish health care system to foster innovation)
  • Blendow Group
  • Medievärlden
  • Water Aid

Grand Public

A design driven brand agency using strategy and design combined with a strong focus on digital solutions.

As part of Grand Public i got the chance to work with clients such as:

  • Sjöö Sandström
  • Vilhelm Parfumerie
  • JSC
  • Småland
  • Arkitekthuset
  • Science Park Jönköping
  • Jönköping University

Freelancing and Consulting

For a number of years I worked full time as a freelancing web developer for a wide range of clients, agencies and remote teams. Specalizing in front end development, WordPress development, UI/UX.